Thursday, 14 March 2013

30 Facts About The New Pope

The new Supreme Pontif of the 1.2 billion-member Catholic Church is Pope Francis I. His historic election came on wednesday 13th march 2013 at the end of the conclave of 115 cardinals.
Entertainment Nigeria
brings to you 30 facts about the new pope.

1. His real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio
2. He is 76-years-old
3. He is an Argentinean
4. He is the first Son of an Italian railway worker that migrated to Argentina
5. He chose the name 'Francis' because of his deep love for the poor
6. He is the first Jesuit priest to become Pope
7. He is the first Pope from Latin America
8. He has never worked in the Vatican even as a Cardinal
9. He was made a Cardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II
11.He was installed as the new Archbishop of Buenos Aires in February 1998.
12. He has often Criticized various policies in the Vatican
13. He was the runner-up during the last conclave that elected Pope
Emeritus Benedict XVI
14. He is a conservative known for his strong anti-gay stance. In 2010 he described homosexuality as a "destructive attack on God's plan." He was a fierce opponent of Argentina's decision to legalise gay marriage in 2010, arguing children need to have the right to be raised and educated by a father and a mother.
15. Though conservative, he has criticised priests who refuse to baptize babies born to single mothers
16. He also believes condom can be permissible to prevent disease
17. He is well known for his austere outlook to life. He is famed for taking a bus to work every day in his native Argentina, giving up his driver and official limousine
18. His austere outlook towards life explains his choice of Francis as his papal name. Francis Assisi, who he is named after, is a popular Catholic saint who lived humbly and gave possession away to the poor
19. When he was made a cardinal, he persuaded hundreds of Argentineans not to fly to Rome to celebrate with him but instead to give the money they would have spent on plane tickets to the poor
20. During a visit to a hospice in 2001, he washed and kissed the feet of 12 AIDS patients
21. He is respected for his intellectual prowess
22. He is a vibrant anti-corruption crusader. He has also accused Argentina's government of not doing enough to eradicate poverty
23. He has lived for more than 20 years with one functioning lung. His other lung was removed because of infection.
24. He always cooks his own meals
25. As Bishop and Cardinal he shunned palatial church mansions for a small, plain appartment heated by a tiny stove.
26. When he was made a cardinal in 2001, he told his countrymen and women not to waste their money on plane tickets to Rome to see him installed, urging them to give it to the needy instead.
27. He rarely grants interviews, preferring to speak through his sermons from the pulpit, and is reluctant to respond to his critics.
28. He studied chemistry before deciding to become a Catholic priest.
29. A fan of the writers Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Jorge Luis Borges, he is said to get up at 4.30 am and go to bed at 9.00pm, unlike most Argentines, who are renowned for staying up late into the night.
30. He is said to prefer to sit in the back row at meetings of bishops, but is known for his strong negotiating skills and readiness to speak up for the needy and his Church.