Andre Davis, a 29-year old man, was sentenced on 14 counts of felonious assault in the case, after it was determined that at least a dozen of his partners were not made aware of his status.
Davis claims that he is a sex addict and
that his addiction was also driven by losing his dream of becoming a pro wrestler after testing positive for HIV.
“Drugs and alcohol are terrible, but sex is something everybody wants,” he said.
“I am not a monster,” he said.
Davis tells the world that he is not a monster, but he certainly acted like one.  His decision to be so terribly irresponsible with his body has ruined countless lives and made our society a little less safe for us all.  What’s most frightening about this “monster” is that there are thousands of other monsters in our society, some of whom have no idea that they are walking bio-weapons of mass destruction.
Quite a few men, especially those who are athletes, entertainers, ballers, etc, have been taught by media to pride themselves on how many women they can sleep with.  When our kids are bombarbed with lyrics like “I wish I could f–k every girl in the world,” (thanks to Lil Wayne), they are filled with a warped sense of masculinity that teaches them that you are to take sex from any attractive woman who offers it.  If women are attracted to you, your rolodex is never too full for the beautiful woman you met at the party, and that includes many men who are married.
For good-looking brothers like Davis, there is no end to the supply of women willing to hop in bed with them after the third or fourth date.  These women are not “hoes,” rather, they are normal, educated, church-going, corporate black women with high-paying